Free Resources

  • Network Life Map

    Does your team know your network’s story? Do they know how to tell that story? This short course will help you create a visual life map that identifies the critical hinge moments of the life of the network in a way that creates creative chaptering.

  • Giving in Two Dimensions

    As a network leader, you can look at financial stewardship and the patterns it creates in two dimensions: What It reveals about the Church and what it Reveals about the value of Network to the church.

  • Four Pivotal Questions for a Dying Church

    Description goes hereYou already know that there’s no silver bullet approach. You already know that one plants, one waters, and God gives the increase. You know you can’t do it alone; instead, you need a team to help you. You see all of this, and probably so much more, but you desperately want to know how to start the process.

    The real question you may be asking is, “How do I get the dying church I’m in to see the seriousness of their condition and their need for change before it’s too late? How can I get members to see that our church is sick and needs a change?”

  • Congregational Readiness

    Description goes While the leadership team, the board, and/or the pastor may desire to see a significant spiritual shift in the direction of the church, most congregations/leaders are not in a position of readiness to receive those changes. Put another way, they may want change in their head, but they don’t wish to change in their